Future projects?

Am I working on projects for the team? yes, we have big stuff coming but unfortunately, time is very limited at the moment. All of us live in different time zones so getting together and filming a video and whatnot is hard at the moment, when summer comes around we will do more stuff. What are we working on? We are currently working on a HUGE video that will make The Uprising look cheap. If all goes well the video will be at around 8 or 10 minutes long. The video will hopefully include all of the team members and a LOT of copyrighted music. I don't wanna keep you waiting so here is a funny picture of TZ's cat:

- AverageSwede

Big updates! 2024/05/10

Long time no see, sorry for the lack of activity this site has been getting. We are working on major things for the team and this site was unfortunately put under construction.

But now with the new layout I can finally focus on this website again, progress is slow but i'll keep you guys updated as much as I can.

- AverageSwede